AJ Germann

Sr. Loan Processor


AJ Germann landed in the mortgage industry in 2010 and helps out in every aspect of operations. He supports the team by reviewing the loans in great detail upfront according to the investor guidelines and creates the initial request of documents from the customer that we will be needed for underwriting. From that point, he supports any needed restructuring and works with our sales, closing, and funding teams to see the transaction through to closing. AJ’s landscape of experience in wholesale lending, retail lending, corespondent lending and brokered lending has helped him become extremely efficient and proactive in his work here at Stonehaven Mortgage. AJ comes from a family of 5 and grew up in Gurnee, IL. He was a Gymnast for 16 years and played Soccer for 9. He made US Jr Nationals 3 times in his carrier while taking 2nd place on Parallel Bars at IL State his last year competing. Being a gymnast really shaped him into who he is. Gymnastics taught him how to work hard for what he wants and most of all it taught him to never give up and how to fall hard on your face and pick yourself back up to do it again. He can still do a standing back flip anywhere with ease. He doesn’t back down from a challenge easily and loves competition. Outside the office, he loves fishing, golf, frisbee golf, traveling and being out doors. He proposed to his fiancé, Barb in October 2020 and is planning for his 2023 nuptials.